Managing Screen Time for School-Age Children

With the increasing presence of technology in daily life, managing screen time for school-age children has become a top concern for parents. While digital devices offer educational content and entertainment, excessive screen time can impact children’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

Balancing Screen Time and Other Activities
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting recreational screen time to no more than one to two hours per day for children over the age of six. It’s important to ensure that screen time doesn’t replace essential activities like physical exercise, sleep, homework, and family interactions. Establishing clear rules about when and where screens can be used—such as no screens during meals or before bedtime—helps create healthy boundaries.

Choosing Quality Content
Not all screen time is created equal. Educational programs, interactive apps, and learning games can enhance a child’s knowledge and skills. However, parents should carefully evaluate the content their children are consuming, ensuring it is age-appropriate and aligned with their values. Co-viewing with your child and discussing the content afterward can also reinforce learning and promote critical thinking.

Encouraging Tech-Free Time
Encouraging children to engage in tech-free activities, such as playing outside, reading, or participating in hobbies, helps balance the impact of screen time. Organizing family game nights, outdoor adventures, or art projects are great ways to foster connections and creativity without relying on screens.

Managing screen time effectively involves setting limits, choosing quality content, and promoting a variety of activities to ensure a healthy balance in a child’s life.


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